Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How JI maintain?

The JI network is held together not just by ideology and training but also by an intricate network of marriages that at times makes it seems like a giant extended family. Insufficient attention has been paid to the role the women of JI play in cementing the network. In many cases, senior JI leaders arranged the marriages of their subordinates to their own sisters or sisters-in-law to keep the network secure.
JI also depends on a small circle of pesantrens – Muslim boarding schools – to propagate jihadist teachings. Of the more than 14,000 such schools in Indonesia, only a tiny number are committed to jihadist principles, but there is a kind of JI “Ivy League” to which JI members send their own children. Chief among these is Pesantren al-Mukmin, better known as Pondok Ngruki, whose founder, Abu Bakar Bashir, is believed to have been JI’s amir or top leader between late 1999 and 2002.



  1. i think that you should go into more details onn this part of the blog. although the post gives the main information, some others may not be able to grasp the reason behind their reasons for doing so. =)

  2. I think that JI is a very organised and well managed group. I am surprised that it even control its network of marriages in tis own group.t Thus, we have to be vigilant of this organised group.

  3. This post made me wonder if the sisters or sisters-in-law will have the freedom to choose who they want to marry or no matter how they feel they will have to go according to the arrangements made by the subordinates.

    Overall, I think that the information in this blog is just enough for getting some basic information about the JI and I think that it can be improved further by adding more information by elaborating even more on some points mentioned in the previous posts.
