JI was formally founded on 1 January,1993 by leaders Abu Bakar Bashir and Abdullah Sungkar. It is established in Southeast Asia which include Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and possibly the Philippines, Cambodia and Thailand. It gained terrorist edge when one of its founders, Abdullah Sungkar established contact with Osama Bin Laden's al Qaeda network.
JI is alleged to have attacked or plotted against U.S. and Western targets in Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines. The most recent attack believed to have been carried out by JI operatives came on October 1, 2005, when a series of suicide bombings killed at least nineteen people and wounded more than 100 in Bali, a beachfront city and international tourist destination.

Abdullah Sungkar

Abu Bakar Bashir
How did the leaders started to work together to form this terrorism?